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Bench to Business – A product development training program funded by LaunchVic

Holger Dielenberg

Let’s face it, there are thousands more incredibly talented entrepreneurial young bloods at the grass roots level than stuck inside corporations. We’re seeking 50 for a new ‘Bench to Business’ product development training program in Melbourne.

Yesterday in The Australian, Launch Vic announced the Andrews Labor Government will invest $2.9 million in educating thousands of Victorian startups though the state’s startup agency, Launch Vic. Space Tank is one of sixteen service providers selected to run education programs, with up to 2,000 places available to Victorian startup founders and their staff.

The Bench to Business training program is designed to teach high impact product design, prototyping and business skills to hardware start up founders. In particular – hardware startup founders represent the highest source of new-to-market product innovation, yet they have the lowest industry skills with prototyping and advanced manufacturing technology, and are poorly represented in the incubator/accelerator scene. Space Tank’s Bench to Business program bridges this gap by educating Victorian startup founders in design for manufacturing, IP protection, business and financial development and Computer Numeric Controlled manufacturing technology for prototyping.

With successfull funding from LaunchVic, Space Tank is now able to make a significant contribution to Melbourne’s product development business community. LaunchVic CEO Dr Kate Cornick says, “Supporting early-stage startups is essential if we are to grow a strong pipeline of innovative businesses from Victoria that will fuel the local economy.”

Space Tank is proud to help young product entrepreneurs reach commercial success through the Bench to Business training program and this will help cement Melbourne’s position as a centre for innovation. Melbourne holds an enviable collection of strengths many of which can be found in the Moreland municipality. Moreland’s creative sector is flushed with designers and product developers and the city boasts the largest population of creative talent per capita in the southern hemisphere. It supports strong industrial precincts and enjoys proximity to strong business and financial sectors and world class universities.

Space Tank is now ready to boost entrepreneurial growth in the Moreland area for smart wearables, niche manufacturing, health care devices and engineered products to name but a few.

Stepping to beat, the Victorian State Government recognises that to be relevant in future industries we must re-think our management of industry, science, manufacturing and education. To do this we must collaborate on innovation and provide the right platform of training and education transition for individuals wanting to get ahead.

The Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy Philip Dalidakis has been a strong supporter of building competitive new industries from the ground up, “By building a stronger startup sector we create innovative businesses, attract international talent, bring money into the local economy and create local jobs.”

Space Tank is proud to be a part of such a strong vision and very excited to contribute in such a meaningful way.

Applications for the Bench to Business training program will be open in June. Contact us at to register your interest.


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