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Moreland Leader article – ‘Making Space to Create’

Holger Dielenberg

Space Tank Studio owner Holger Dielenberg will open a creative space to enable 3D artists to ply their trade.

An artist space in Coburg North wants to help 3D artists reach out to audiences. Space Tank Studio is a new venture providing equipment and space to enable sculptors, artisan designers and inventors to ply their craft.

Studio director Holger Dielenberg, from Northcote, said he opened the space to cater for an unmet demand from visual artists in Melbourne’s north. “It’s for people who make rather than paint or 2D visual art,” Mr Dielenberg said. He said he wanted “to get involved in a more direct way with creative people”, offering 12 spaces to rent, while others could pay for casual membership, which provided use of the machines.

Mr Dielenberg said he had a 3D printer, welding bay, spray booth and woodworking equipment. “I am trying to set this place up to provide industry standard equipment,” he said. Mr Dielenberg said he also planned to hold classes.

The studio, at 9 Warner St, Coburg North, will be Launched at 7pm on Saturday, June 28th. Details:


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