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New composite 3D printer by Markforged arrives at Space Tank

Holger Dielenberg

Space Tank has been able to purchase a leading-edge Mark Two continuous fibre composite 3D printer by Markedforge. This has been accomplished with the help of the Social Enterprise Support Grant by the Victorian Government.

This 3D printer can produce parts with continuous fibre reinforcement producing stiff, strong, extremely durable parts that can replace machined aluminium. Being a composite printer, it can print a range of materials combined with carbon fibre, fibreglass or Kevlar continuous filament. It is an important and versatile addition to Space Tank’s advanced manufacturing lab.

The new 3D printer compliments Space Tank’s existing 3D printing capabilities. This new technology gives startups a competitive advantage allowing them to not only prototype, but produce production ready parts without having to outsource the work to expensive engineering companies.

Space Tank is also upgrading its specialist training capacity to include advanced 3D printing courses that are tailored to startups’ needs. We offer a range of courses, from introductory, advanced training to mentoring.

Those with competency can choose equipment inductions and receive immediate DIY access, whilst inexperienced operators can receive full skills training and tailored support.

Space Tank’s training manuals and methodologies use activity-based exercises and focus on bringing startups rapidly up to speed. Trainees dive straight into real word applications of advanced manufacturing technology giving them rapid entry into high level capabilities.

Mentoring helps startups incorporate the new technology into their workflow, to learn new design methodologies, establish more efficient manufacturing production systems and lean business strategies.

Training for our existing 3d printers and new is now available to our members and the general public.


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