Independent film maker, ANDRE CARDOSO begins shooting a documentary on Space Tank Studio. He briefly describes what led him to take on this project…
I found Space Tank Studio after seeing this article: http://www.creativespaces.net.au/case-stu…/space-tank-studio which inspired me to meet the founder, Holger Dielenberg. Immediately I felt the passion that led him to create this amazing makerspace and I felt sure that great things will happen there.
The Space Tank Studio vision inspired me to develop a documentary about makers that together are able to be independent in terms of production and distribution. There is a great personal story to be told of the individual maker who is able to flourish while larger industries are closing down all around. It is counter intuitive, which makes it appealing and fresh.
In terms of building the studio, the hard work is done. Equipping the space with relevant machinery and technology, usually not available to the average artisan is complete and they are already taking on studio tenants so it is a perfect time to begin shooting and follow the journey as they begin to establish themselves.
The documentary will be shot over a period of roughly 18 months so that we can follow the journey of makers and of the makerspace that supports them.
Andre Matos Cardoso website: http://cargocollective.com/andrematoscardoso
Previous Documentary by Andre Cardoso – SUSPENDED WAREHOUSE trailer: https://vimeo.com/69161975